This menu item provides quick and direct access to a set of commonly-used Dynochem utilities, without needing to open a browser window or visit the Resources website to locate the tools:
Click the corresponding menu item to download and use any of the following tool:
- DIPPR Solvents: calculates temperature-dependent properties of solvent mixtures assuming ideality.
- VLLE: calculates phase equilibrium between solvents taking account of non-ideality (using NRTL, UNIQUAC and other methods).
- Chemical Utilities: contains a set of helper worksheets for phase equilibrium and chemical reaction problems.
- Heat Transfer Fluids: contains temperature-dependent properties of commonly-used heat transfer fluids.
- Hydrogenation Utilities: contains temperature-dependent hydrogen solubility / Henry parameter estimates for common solvents.
New in Dynochem 6:
- much of the functionality in the DIPPR Solvents utility is available in every workbook from DC__Functions
- all functionality in the Heat Transfer Fluids utility is available in every workbook via the Materials system.