Scale-up Suite Help
Troubleshoot optimization Event Log messages
Optimization > Troubleshoot optimization > Troubleshoot optimization Event Log messages
 About the Optimization Event Log

The event log is a floating window which can be shown by pressing the Event Log button  in the View menu of the Optimization module. Within the Optimization module it is used for reporting errors occurring in the program during optimization exercises. It is automatically shown when an error occurs in the program. Error messages should be noted and forwarded to In most situations errors are fatal and will result in the algorithm terminating.
As a first step towards resolving such a problem, Exit DynoChem, Open the model in Optimization again and rerun.

 Event log error messages

The following error messages may appear in the Event Log and will cause the Event Log to be shown.

Error Messages

Error checking boundaries

Error writing message

Error running Simplex algorithm

Error running the solver

Error initializing solver

Error plotting initial point

Error reading fixed parameters

Error generating initial Simplex

Error evaluating optimization parameter constraints

Error calculating initial Function values

Error refreshing parameter values

Error refreshing free parameters

Error evaluating fixed parameters

Error updating parameters

Error updating model variable with parameter values

Error updating model

Error calculating Gradient

Error initializing Optimization module

Error terminating Optimization module

Error calculating Objective Function

Error during initialization

Post processing error

Error running Optimization algorithm

Error evaluating Optimization equation

Error while trying to stop Optimization