Optimization reports can be generated either in Excel or HTML formats using and
from the Optimization toolbar. These reports include general run information (time stamp, user notes), final factor and response values and the algorithm and solver options used.
The Optimization Report contains the following:
- General information - Date, time, model name
- Parameters:
- Inputs: Initial parameter values, Parameter constraints
- Outputs: Number of 'free' parameters, Number of constrained parameters, Final 'free' parameter values, Final constrained parameter values
- Objective Function
- Inputs: Variable selected (i.e. equation used)
- Outputs: Initial value, Final Value, Table of history of optimization (parameter set & obj_fn versus iteration)
- Algorithm and solver
- Inputs: Solver selection, Solver accuracy, Number of plotted points, Algorithm selection, Tolerance, Number of restarts
- Outputs: Number of iterations, Number of solver runs, Time per solver run, Simulation time (total).