Scale-up Suite Help
Process Scheme
What is the Process Scheme section?

The Process Scheme is a picture that shows all the phases and rate processes that are currently included in your model. Here is the default process scheme, showing a single liquid phase called Solution, where the display of any reactions text has been hidden (or before any reactions have been defined).

Statements toolbox

Click on the process scheme icon () to show the "statements toolbox".  To hide the toolbox again, click on the  icon.

Using the statements toolbox, you can add elements to your model.  Below is a description of the different phase types available in the toolbox: 



Miscible Liquid Feed

Feeds a fully miscible liquid from a Feed Tank to the Solution phase

Dissolving Solid

Adds a solid that dissolves in the Solution phase

Precipitating Solid

Adds a solid phase that precipitates out of the Solution phase after the solubility of a product is exceeded.

Immiscible Liquid Feed

Feeds an immiscible liquid from a Feed Tank to an immiscible liquid phase. If an immiscible liquid phase is already present in the reactor vessel, this will connect the feed to that phase, otherwise it will create a new phase.

Immiscible Liquid

Adds an immiscible liquid phase

Gas Phase

Adds a headspace containing gas

Miscible Liquid Feed

 Double clicking on the Miscible Liquid Feed in the toolbox will bring up the following window, where we have already added Reagent to the list of materials.



The top three parts of the window are for the Feed Vessel, and the last row is for the Feed Flow.

You can modify the Vessel Name or Feed Name by clicking on either and changing it. However, if the name contains a space or any of the following characters ¬`¦!"£$%^&*()-=+{}[];@’~#<>,.?,/ then those characters will be replaced by an underscore (_).

To add a material to this feed vessel, click on Add Material. This will bring up a dropdown menu where you can choose a component from the Materials section, or from the materials database or type in a new component name. To turn on plotting for any component, click on the check box at the right of its row.

You will see that the Volume of the Feed Vessel phase is automatically checked, meaning that it will be plotted in Simulator. You can uncheck this.

As you fill in the window, the following changes will be made to the model:

A model can have more than one miscible liquid feed, if needed.

Dissolving Solid

Double clicking on Dissolving Solid in the toolbox brings you to the following window where we have already added Reagent to the list of materials:

The top three parts of the window are for the Dissolving Solid, and the last part for the phase transfer of materials from the Dissolving Solid to the Solution.

If this is your first solid phase, the default name will be Solid1. You can modify the phase name by clicking on it and changing it. However, if the name contains a space or any of the following characters ¬`¦!"£$%^&*()-=+{}[];@’~#<>,.?,/  then those characters will be replaced by an underscore (_).

To add a material, click on Add Material. This will bring you to a dropdown menu where you can choose a component from the Materials section, from the materials database or type in a new component name. The same component will be added automatically to the materials transferred between the solid phase and the solution. To turn on plotting for any component, click on the check box at the right of its row.

The solid phase will be given a default density of 1.2 g/cm3. You can check the box to plot the density in Simulator. Each transferred component will be given a default solubility of 1 mol/L. To change the density and solubility values, click on any value and change it.

As you fill in the window, the following changes will be made to the model:

A model can have more than one dissolving solid, if needed. We recommend that each solid phase contain only a single component.  

Precipitating Solid

Double clicking on the Precipitating Solid in the toolbox will bring up the following window, where we have already added Impurity to the list of materials:


The top three parts of the window are for the Precipitating Solid, and the last part for the phase transfer of materials from the Solution to the Precipitating Solid.

If this is your first solid phase, the default name will be Solid1. You can modify the phase name by clicking on it and changing it. However, if the name contains a space or any of the following characters ¬`¦!"£$%^&*()-=+{}[];@’~#<>,.?,/ the those characters will be replaced by an underscore (_).

To add a material to this solid phase, click on Add Material. This will bring up a dropdown menu where you can choose a component from the Materials section, or from the materials database or type in a new component name. The same component will be added automatically to the materials transferred between the solid phase and the solution. To turn on plotting for any component, click on the check box at the right of its row.

The solid phase will be given a default density of 1.2 g/cm3. You can check the box to plot the density in Simulator. Each transferred component will be given a default solubility of 0.001 mol/L. To change the density and solubility values, click on any value and change it.

As you fill in the window, the following changes will be made to the model:

A model can have more than one precipitating solid, if needed. We recommend that each solid phase contain only a single component.  
Immiscible Liquid Feed

Double clicking on Immiscible Liquid Feed in the toolbox will bring up the following window, where we have already added Toluene and Reagent to the list of materials:


The top three parts of the window are for the Feed Tank, the middle row is for the Feed Flow, and the bottom part is for the Immiscible (Dispersed) Phase in the main vessel.

If an immiscible liquid phase is already present in the reactor vessel, this will connect the feed to that phase, otherwise it will create one.

You can modify the Feed Tank Name, Feed Name or Immiscible Phase Name by clicking on any of these and changing it. However, if the name contains a space any of the following characters ¬`¦!"£$%^&*()-=+{}[];@’~#<>,.?,/ it will be replaced by an underscore (_). To add a material to this Feed Tank, click on Add Material in the top section. This will bring up a dropdown menu where you can choose a component from the Materials section, or from the materials database or type in a new component name. The same component will be added automatically to the immiscible liquid in the reaction vessel, and to the materials transferred between the immiscible phase and the solution. Note that you can add materials to the immiscible liquid independently, if they are not present in the feed tank and are transferred between the immiscible liquid and the solution. To turn on plotting for any component in either phase, click on the check box at the right of its row.

You will see that the Volume of the Feed Tank phase is automatically checked, meaning that it will be plotted in Simulator. You can uncheck this.

The Transfer box at the bottom is used to define the materials that transfer between the immiscible phase and the solution, and their partition coefficients (Cd/Cc), with default values of 1–. Click on any value to change it. The partition coefficients show how the components distribute between the dispersed immiscible liquid and continuous solution phases. Cd denotes the concentration in the dispersed phase, and Cc the concentration in the continuous phase. For example, if the equilibrium concentrations of a material are equal in the two phases, its Cd/Cc is equal to 1. If a material is preferentially soluble in the dispersed phase, its Cd/Cc is greater than 1, e.g. 10 or 100. This parameter is unitless because the concentration units cancel out (mol/L)/(mol/L).

As you fill in the window, the following changes will be made to the model:

A model can have only one immiscible liquid phase (a total of two liquid phases) and one feed into it. This phase is treated as the dispersed phase for mass transfer calculations.

Immiscible Liquid

Double clicking on the Immiscible Liquid in the toolbox will bring up the following window, where we have already added Toluene and Reagent to the list of materials:               

The top three parts of the window are for the Immiscible Liquid, and the last part for the phase transfer of materials between the Dispersed liquid and the Solution.

The default phase name is Dispersed. You can modify this name by clicking on it and changing it. However, if the name contains a space or any of the following characters ¬`¦!"£$%^&*()-=+{}[];@’~#<>,.?,/ then those characters will be replaced by an underscore (_).

To add a material to this immiscible liquid phase, click on Add Material. This will bring up a dropdown menu where you can choose a component from the Materials section, or from the materials database or type in a new component name. The same component will be added automatically to the materials transferred between the immiscible phase and the solution. To turn on plotting for any component, click on the check box at the right of its row.

You will see that the Volume of the phase is automatically checked, meaning that it will be plotted in Simulator. You can uncheck this.

The Transfer box at the bottom is used to define the materials that transfer between immiscible phase and the solution, and their partition coefficients (Cd/Cc), with default values of 1–. Click on any value to change it. The partition coefficients show how the components distribute between the dispersed immiscible liquid and continuous solution phases (Cd for concentration in dispersed phase, and Cc for concentration in continuous phase). For example, if the equilibrium concentrations of a material are equal in the two phases, its Cd/Cc is equal to 1. If a material is preferentially soluble in the dispersed phase, its Cd/Cc is greater than 1, e.g. 10 or 100. This parameter is unitless because the concentration units cancel out (mol/L)/(mol/L).

As you fill in the window, the following changes will be made to the model:

A model can have only one immiscible liquid phase (a total of two liquid phases). This phase is treated as the dispersed phase for mass transfer calculations.

Gas Phase (Headspace)

Double clicking on the Gas Phase in the toolbox will bring up the following window, where we have already added H2 to the list of materials:


The top three parts of the window are for the Gas phase, and the last part for the phase transfer of materials between the Gas phase and the Solution.

The default phase name is Headspace. You can modify this name by clicking on it and changing it. However, if the name contains a space or any of the following characters ¬`¦!"£$%^&*()-=+{}[];@’~#<>,.?,/ then those characters will be replaced by an underscore (_).

To add a material to this gas, click on Add Material. This will bring up a dropdown menu where you can choose a component from the Materials section, or from the materials database or type in a new component name. The same component will be added automatically to the materials transferred between the gas and the solution. To turn on plotting for any component, click on the check box at the right of its row.

The gas phase will be given a default pressure of 4 bar and plotted in Simulator by default. You can click either of these and change it.

The Transfer box at the bottom is used to define the materials that transfer between immiscible phase and the solution, and their Henry constants, with a default value of 10–. The Henry constants show the solubility of each component in the solution (equilibrium concentration in the gas divided by the concentration in the liquid). The lower the value, the greater the solubility of dissolved gas in the solution. This parameter is unitless because the concentration units cancel out (mol/L)/(mol/L).

As you fill in the window, the following changes will be made to the model:

A model can have only one gas phase. This phase is treated as the dispersed phase for mass transfer calculations.

Designating which liquid is aqueous and organic

For systems with two liquid phases, you can designate which liquid is labeled aqueous (aq) in the phase transfer text and which is labeled organic (org). In the process scheme picture, the aqueous phase is shown in blue and the organic phase in green.

By default, the Solution phase is designated as the organic phase. If you wish to designate this phase as the aqueous phase, double click on the Solution phase and choose Is Aqueous at the bottom of the dialog. This will switch the (aq) and (org) labels in the rate process text, and change the phase color to blue in the picture.

Note that this designation is independent of the phase names.

Removing a phase from the Process Scheme

To remove a phase, and its associated flows and rate processes, you can click on the phase to select it, then right click and choose Delete Selected Items. You cannot delete the main Solution phase.

The corresponding columns are also deleted from the Scenarios section.

User defined Calculations

To add user-defined variables and calculations to your model, first click on the f(x) icon  on the right side of the process scheme panel (The * is present if some user-defined calculations are already defined.) The following window will appear:

This window is divided into two sections. User-defined variables are defined in the upper section and the corresponding "calculate statements" or formulas are in the lower section.

In the Variables section, you type your variable name (e.g. Yield, Conversion, Uptake) in the Name column and press enter.




Once a variable is added, you can assign an initial value to it in the Value column and a unit in the Display unit column. If you hover over the Display Unit column you will see the following tooltip. This shows the S.I. Units and Common Alternatives for different unit types.  You may use any of these units for input and output.  Internally, all calculations will be carried out in SI units.



The plot column will be automatically checked, meaning that the new variable will be plotted in Simulator. Check the Integrate column if you will also calculate the rate of change of this variable in the calculations section (e.g. uptake.dydt). The Comments column can be used to write notes / explanations about the variable.

When adding a calculate statement (or formula) in the calculate section, first start typing the variable name at the left hand side.  Reaction Lab will prompt you as you type to provide automatic guidance on variables and mathematical operators you can use. Examples are shown below:


1. How to input a Yield calculation

Note that the yield is calculated on a molar basis, not a mass basis.


2. How to calculate the Uptake of H2



If you have added a calculate statement that you no longer need in your model but want to keep it as a reference, check the box at the left of the variable name in the || column. This will grey out the calculate statement, therefore it won't be used in your model. 

As in the variables section, the Comments column is left for any additional notes/explanation about the calculation.

There are different variables you may want to add to your model. To help out, we have listed the most common variables below.

List of built-in variables you can use in calculate statements
Phase Component Definition
Solution. Component Moles of the component in the solution phase
Component.mass Mass of the component in the solution phase
Component.molFrac Mol fraction of the component in the solution phase
Component.massFrac Mass fraction of the component in the solution phase
Component.conc Concentration of the component in the solution phase
Volume Volume of the solution phase
Temperature Temperature of the solution phase
Pressure Pressure of the solution phase
Density Density of the solution phase
Nmoles Number of moles in the solution phase
Mass Mass of the solution phase
Dispersed. Component Moles of the component in the dispersed phase
Component.mass Mass of the component in the dispersed phase
Component.molFrac Mol fraction of the component in the dispersed phase
Component.massFrac Mass fraction of the component in the dispersed phase
Component.conc Concentration of the component in the dispersed phase
Volume Volume of the dispersed phase
Temperature Temperature of the dispersed phase
Pressure Pressure of the dispersed phase
Density Density of the dispersed phase
Nmoles Number of moles in the dispersed phase
Mass Mass of the dispersed phase
kLac Mass transfer rate from the dispersed phase to the solution phase
Feed. Qv Volumetric flowrate from the feed tank into the main vessel
Headspace. Component Moles of the component in the headspace
Component.mass Mass of the component in the headspace
Component.molFrac Mol fraction of the component in the headspace
Component.massFrac Mass fraction of the component in the headspace
Component.conc Concentration of the component in the headspace
Volume Volume of the headspace
Temperature Temperature of the headspace
Pressure Pressure of the headspace
Nmoles Number of moles in the headspace
Mass Mass of the headspace
kLac Mass transfer rate from the headspace to the solution phase
Solid. Component Moles of the component in the solid phase
Component.mass Mass of the component in the solid phase
Component.molFrac Mol fraction of the component in the solid phase
Component.massFrac Mass fraction of the component in the solid phase
Component.conc Concentration of the component in the solid phase
Volume Volume of the solid phase
Temperature Temperature of the solid phase
Density Density of the solid phase
Nmoles Number of moles in the solid phase
Mass Mass of the solid phase
kLa Mass transfer rate from the solid phase to the solution phase


Phase name. rxn1. k> Forward rate constant at Tref for reaction 1
Phase name. rxn1. k< Backward rate constant at Tref for reaction 1
Phase name. rxn1. Keq Equilibrium constant for reaction 1
Phase name. rxn1. Ea> Activation energy for the forward reaction for reaction 1
Phase name. rxn1. Ea< Activation energy for the backward reaction for reaction 1
Phase name. rxn1. Component.stoich> Component stoichiometry in the forward direction
Phase name. rxn1. Component.stoich< Component stoichiometry in the backward direction (reaction must be reversible)
Phase name. rxn1. Component.order> Component order in the forward direction
Phase name. rxn1. Component.order< Component order in the backward direction (reaction must be reversible)


Mass transfer between two phases
LLE. Component. CdCc
GLE. Component. Henry Henry constant
SLE. Component. Solubility Solubility of the component
GLE. or LLE. or SLE. Component. Rate Rate of mass transfer in mol/s
GLE. or LLE. or SLE. Component. Kcda Overall mass transfer coefficient times specific interfacial area
Dispersed. Component. Cci Interface concentration (continuous)
Dispersed. Component. Cdi Interface concentration (dispersed)
Solver Properties

To change the Solver Properties, click on the icon  on the right side of the panel. This will bring you to the window shown below:

Here, you can change three settings.

Firstly, you can modify the number of points you plot in Simulator.

Secondly, you can change the Integration Method. The options are Rosenbrock, Backwards-Euler and LSODA. The default method, Rosenbrock, is suitable for most applications. If you are working with a liquid-liquid model, the default is then Backwards Euler.  

Thirdly, you can set the Accuracy of numerical integration to any value from 1.00E-02 to 1.00E-08. 

Show/Hide rate processes as text

If you want to show the rate processes as text to the right of the Process Scheme, click on . This will show all the rate processes in your model (chemical reactions and transfer between phases) and change the button to a dark background . Click on this again to hide the rate processes.




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