Scale-up Suite Help
Change the chart layout
Opening the Chart Layout window

Do one of the following:

Change the Chart legend display
Change the Chart legend display
Changing the display of the Chart axes
Change the end time of a simulation

Edit the value in the cell labeled ‘Choose a new end time’ and press <return>.
Note: A quick way to extend run time is to click on the down arrow next to the continue button  in the run controls and select from the list (10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%).

Change the stretch factor on imposed profiles

Edit the value in the cell labeled ‘Choose a stretch factor’ and re-run the model.        

Note: A quick way to change the stretch factor is to click on the down arrow next to the stretch icon  in and select from the list (0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 1.1, 1.33, 2 or other).

A typical application is to stretch an imposed flowrate and/or Qr profile for dosing-controlled reactions.  This function allows you to easily change (stretch or squeeze) addition rate and/or rate of heat release whilst maintaining the overall volume added or total heat released.



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